Just about everything your child has done to this point can affect the financial aid award they receive. Grades they have earned, clubs they have joined, activities they have participated in, and organizations they have volunteered for all impact how schools look at them. So where do you start? What are the steps that will allow you to send your child to the college of their dreams without having to claim bankruptcy?
Here's where you start. Your first step is the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). You need to fill out this form every year for each student, in order for them to be eligible for any form of federal aid including grants or loans
Fill out the FAFSA in early January using estimated numbers if need be. Complete them online, you can always go back and update the numbers later. Once you submit your FAFSA, the financial aid administration will read through your application, grapple with your numbers and calculate how much financial aid you should receive towards your child's education-and how much you should pay on your own.
Professional Education Services is here to lend you a helping hand through this complicated admissions process, if you have any questions take a look at our website at http://www.proedserv.com