Monday, August 16, 2010

Look For College Funding

Here is where you should find out how much money you'll need to pay.  You'll then have to find out how you're going to pay.  That is a whole other ball game. 

Very few families, even the top earners, have the kind of cash flow that allows them to pay an extra five, ten, or twenty thousand dollars a year without blinking an eye.  Almost everyone will have to find other sources of cash.  Fortunately, there are plenty out there and we can show you how to find them.

For those of you who have not taken advanted of our FREE Diagnostic Evaluation, don't wait another minute!  We will explain how to find all the money you need and how to pay for your child's education.  To book a FREE Diagnostic Evaluation, just call my office at (866) 949-7935 and we will be happy to help you!  Or sign up for one of our FREE College Funding Workshops, to locate one nearest you, visit our website and click on the Workshops Tab.